Title: Overview of Microstrip Antennas1Overview of Microstrip AntennasDavid R. Jackson Dept. Of ECE University ofHouston2Overview of Microstrip AntennasAlso called patch antennas. One of the most useful antennas at microwavefrequencies. (f gt 1 GHz).
It consists of a metal patch on top of agrounded dielectric substrate. The patch may be in a variety of shapes, butrectangular and circular are the most common.3History of Microstrip Antennas.
Invented by Bob Munson in 1972 (but earlier workby Dechamps goes back to1953). Became popular starting in the 1970s.G.
Deschamps and W. Sichak, Microstrip MicrowaveAntennas, Proc. Of Third Symp. On USAF AntennaResearch and Development Program, October 1822,1953. Munson, Microstrip Phased ArrayAntennas, Proc. Of Twenty-Second Symp. On USAFAntenna Research and Development Program, October1972.
Munson, Conformal MicrostripAntennas and Microstrip Phased Arrays, IEEETrans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 1(January 1974) 7478.4Typical ApplicationsSingle elementArray(Photos courtesy of Dr. Waterhouse)5Typical Applications (cont.)MPAmicrostrip antennafilterDC supply Micro-D connectorK-connectorLNAPDfiber input with collimating lensdiplexerMicrostrip Antenna Integrated into a System HICAntenna Base-Station for 28-43 GHz(Photo courtesy of Dr. Waterhouse)6Geometry of Rectangular Patch?rNote L is the resonant dimension. The width W isusually chosen to be larger than L (to get higherbandwidth). However, usually W lt 2L.
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Microstrip Antenna Design
There is truly something for everyone!
Microstrip Patch Antenna For Mobile Communication
AbstractWith the development of wireless communication technology, 5G will develop into a new generation of wireless mobile communication systems. MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) technology is expected to be one of the key technologies in the field of 5G wireless communications. In this paper, 4 pairs of microstrip MIMO conformal antennas of 35 GHz have been designed. Eight-element microstrip Taylor antenna array with series-feeding not only achieves the deviation of the main lobe of the pattern but also increases the bandwidth of the antenna array and reduces sidelobe. MIMO antennas have been fabricated and measured.
Measurement results match the simulation results well. The return loss of the antenna at 35 GHz is better than 20 dB, the first sidelobe level is −16 dB, and the angle between the main lobe and the plane of array is 60°.